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Champion Star Service Blogs

Surge Protection: Shielding Your Home from Unexpected Electrical Surges With Champion Star Service

When I started my career as an electrician over 40 years ago, most homeowners didn't think about surge protection. But today, with our homes filled with sensitive electronics and smart devices, surge protection is crucial for keeping everything running smoothly and safely. […]

Understanding the Top 6 Culprits Behind Electrical Fires at Home

Electrical fires are like the unwelcome guests at a party: sudden, dangerous, and capable of causing a lot of trouble.But, with a little knowledge and precaution, we can keep these uninvited guests at bay. […]

Having an Interlock Kit Installed for Your Portable Generator

If your home in Baton Rouge has ever been affected by an electrical outage, you find out quickly that connecting all of your appliances to your portable generator is a daunting task. As such, it is essential to be prepared and to have an interlock kit installed to your circuit breaker. […]

If you are looking for a Electrical Service in the Baton Rouge area, please contact us by filling out our online request form.